How to Make a Paper House Origami

How to Make a Paper House Origami

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Origami houses are a fun, easy style to hone your skills without having to worry virtually a lot of complicated creases and folds. All you lot demand is a piece of paper! Use your favorite color of origami newspaper to create a cute decoration that you can display effectually your own home!

  1. one

    Place a square canvas of origami paper with the colored side face up down. Catch a square colored sheet of origami paper that'due south around half dozen by 6 in (15 by 15 cm), which will work well for your projection. Double-cheque that the colored portion of the paper is facing downwardly, then your folds tin can be as authentic every bit possible. [ane]

    • Any kind of square paper will work well for this. If yous want to make a large origami firm, consider using a larger piece of origami paper.
  2. 2

    Fold the paper in half from top to bottom. Bank check that the top and bottom edges of the paper are meeting 1 another so in that location'due south an even crease going horizontally along the heart of the paper. [2]

    • The colored side of the paper volition be visible once you lot offset folding it.


  3. iii

    Fold the rectangle in half again to form a square and then unfold it. Fold the paper in half once again, transforming the rectangle into a square. Crease along the sides of the square, then unfold the paper so information technology'south rectangular over again. At this point, in that location will be 2 total creases on your origami paper. [3]

  4. 4

    Fold both sides toward the fundamental crease to form quarters. Take the right department of folded paper and fold information technology along the center, vertical crease. Crease along the edge to brand a defined fold, then repeat the process with the left section of your origami paper. [4]

    • For this part of the process, just fold your newspaper into quarters.


  1. 1

    Open the upper left flap and press information technology into a triangle. Pry open the upper left flap of your origami firm, where the newspaper is folded into ii layers. Carve up these layers from one another, then press on this fold to create a distinctive triangle. You've now created half of the roof. [5]

    • Currently, you're creating the back of your origami business firm.
  2. 2

    Repeat this process with the upper right flap of the newspaper. Take the upper right flap on your origami business firm and separate the 2 layers of newspaper from one another. As y'all did before, press the upper pucker into a triangle shape along the right side of your origami business firm, creating the other half of the roof. [half-dozen]

    • This part can be a little tricky. Don't exist discouraged if information technology takes a few tries before you go information technology right!
  3. 3

    Flip over the paper to view your finished origami house. Turn your origami paper so the newly formed triangles are face up-downwardly. At this point, look for a long, distinctive roof that's separated from the lower department of the house. [7]

    • If you lot'd like, you lot can draw windows, doors, shingles, and other decorations on your firm using a marking. [8]
  4. 4

    Place the house upright to display it. Set the business firm on a apartment surface, like a table or countertop. With the bottom folds, your house tin can stand upright on nigh surfaces. Check that the 2 pressed triangles are facing backwards, and that the rest of the dwelling is facing forward. [9]


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  • Question

    Exercise I have to use square paper, or could I utilise some other piece of paper?

    Madeline Eberle

    Madeline Eberle

    Community Reply

    You have to have square paper or it won't work.

  • Question

    Tin you make a life-sized ane?


    That won't be possible to create by yourself. You lot would demand extremely large sheets of paper and the assist of many people, including experts. More or less, it's impractical.

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  • Endeavour customizing your business firm by drawing a door or adding windows!

Cheers for submitting a tip for review!


  • E'er utilize a foursquare canvas of newspaper for this, or else your finished origami firm might turn out lopsided or unbalanced.


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Commodity Summary X

To brand an origami business firm, starting time fold a square piece of paper in one-half twice. Unfold the second fold, and then fold the short sides into the center crease. Next, unfold the upper left flap and press it down to form a triangle. Repeat with the upper correct flap, and you're finished! Identify your origami house upright on a apartment surface to display information technology. For detailed step-by-stride instructions with videos, keep reading!

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How to Make a Paper House Origami

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